Grimmwood Wiki

The Bulgarian Grimmwood Wiki is opening for editing.


Grimmwood Wiki

In other languages: Български

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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Hydra Dark skin */

/* General styles *
/* latin-ext */
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/* latin */
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/* latin */
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/* latin */
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/* latin-ext */
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/* latin */
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/* latin-ext */
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/* latin-ext */
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/* latin */
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/* Logo styles *
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/* Header styles *
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/* Site notice styles *
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#mw-dismissable-notice td > a {

#mw-dismissable-notice td > a:hover {

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/* Left sidebar styles *
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/* Link styles *
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/* Article styles *
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/* Curse profile: Fixes conflict with overflow:auto; on h1 */
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/* Infobox styles *
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/* Navbox templates *
table.navbox {
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/* Base background */
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.navbox-list {
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/* Level 1 color */
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/* Level 2 styling */
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/* Level 3 styling */
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/* Odd row striping */
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table.collapsed tr.collapsible {
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/* General styles *
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span.bullet {
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span.ghost {
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/* For elements which only display in the mobile view */
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/* Visual editor */
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